Do you want to know what it’s like to be guided by someone? Someone who has more experience than you in the field you’re in? Someone who exemplifies positive behaviour and with whom you can create trust. Someone who understands his or her position as being dependable, involved, genuine, and attentive to your needs.
Well, mentorship is the term used to describe this type of relationship. In this post, we’ll look at why having a mentor is really important for any entrepreneur.
But first, let us establish that the primary role of a mentor in your life should be to support your growth. Your mentor should first and foremost be actively involved in promoting and facilitating your professional or personal development.
Mentorship provides an opportunity for both the mentor and the mentee to help each other learn new things, build networks, and grow as professionals.
These 10 reasons will convince you to seek out a mentor:
Your Mentor is your valuable Ally.
Trust is an essential component in any relationship at all, and that includes mentorship. You the mentee will have faith in your mentor as a person who is looking out for your best interests and will offer you honest, unbiased and accurate counsel. You’ll also rely on each other to protect sensitive information hidden when needed.
Your Mentor will Introduce you to the Right People.
Most mentors are excited to show off their protégé to indicate that they have taken someone under their wing and are supporting them in learning and becoming better versions of themselves professionally. As a result, they are always willing to connect their mentees to potential opportunities or people who can assist them. Good thing is, the more you network, the more people you will meet. And the more possible it is for you to find new and better ways of tackling any business challenge.
Your Mentor will have more experience and will bring a different perspective.
Experience is one powerful tool in any career, and mentors are often familiar with the highs and lows of the journey ahead. They will be able to perceive your challenge through new eyes and can operate as your guide and navigator on your road to achieving success. This kind of guidance, will broaden your perspective and help you avoid situations that can be averted.
Your Mentor will help you develop a positive business/work culture.
A business’s success or failure is heavily influenced by its organizational culture. if you have a positive culture, your employees will be engaged and motivated. Your mentor can help you create a culture that promotes your business’s integrity by supplying you with a collection of ideas and techniques from which you can draw throughout your career as a business owner.
Read also: How You Can Avoid The Most Common Pitfalls
Your mentor will instil confidence in you to make better decisions.
Whenever you are faced with challenges in your business, having a reliable mentor to turn to can do so much for your confidence. A great mentor will applaud you when you make good decisions and compliments will help you picture yourself as a seasoned and intelligent businessperson. You will then become confident in standing on your own when it’s time to defend or stand by your business decisions.
There are so many potential Mentors out there, but finding a suitable mentor will take some effort. You need to find a mentor who is a good fit for you. Someone willing to invest time and effort into you. In order for this to happen, you will need to network and spend time studying and observing the individuals in your circle so that you may approach someone who you believe reflects your ideals.
You should also know some mentorships do not work out, and that is fine. You simply need to know what you want out of mentorship and be bold enough to pursue it.