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Blaze Agribusiness - isnhubs

Blaze Agribusiness

They assist agribusinesses to create and nurture agribusiness enterprise and innovations through sustainable agribusiness projects and programs.
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360 Creative Hub - isnhubs

360 Creative Hub

They have co-sewing spaces that give fashion entrepreneurs access to their own private space and an opportunity to collaborate and create with other like minds.
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Aiivon Hub - isnhubs

Aiivon Innovation Hub

They are a social, digital and creative community focused on developing solutions to local challenges by utilizing innovative workspaces to inspire creativity.
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Akure Tech hub - isnhubs

Akure Tech Hub

They are focused on helping to create a dynamic ecosystem with communities skilled and well-prepped to actualize sustainable economic growth through the use of technology.
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Clean Technology Hub - isnhubs

Clean Technology Hub

They are a pioneering hybrid hub for the research, development, demonstration, and incubation of clean technologies for increased energy access and improved climate resilience.
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Clintonel Innovation Centre

They are Nigeria’s first Makerspace and Hardware Business Incubator hub that provides training, mentoring and equipment for young people to create different products and businesses.
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Blue Sapphire Hub

They are the first-female-owned innovation center in Northern Nigeria. They are focused on developing sustainable solutions and building entrepreneurial communities for scalable impact.
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Civic Innovation Lab

They are at the frontline of supporting indigenous start-ups through seed funding, business support, and provision of premium workspaces.
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Devamplify Hub - isnhubs

Devamplify Hub

They are focused on providing support for individuals interested in tackling challenges in the southeastern part of Nigeria using innovative technology
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DiceBox Innovation Hub

They are an innovation and Business Incubation hub focused on creating sustainable startups for rapid economic growth in Nigeria and Africa at large.
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Delta State Innovation Hub - isnhubs

Delta State Innovation Hub

They are focused on helping the youths of Delta State achieve economic prosperity by knowing in realistic terms what innovation is, why it is necessary, and how to innovate.
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Digital Development Hub - isnhubs

Digital Development Hub

They are a Tech-based Innovation Hub designed to support the creation of social impact and commercial start-ups.
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EEdufun Technik STEM Hub - isnhubs

Edufun Technik STEM Hub

They are focused on creating educational solutions for children and youths that promotes STEM, Creativity and Innovation.
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Enovate Lab - isnhubs

Enovate Lab

They are focused on systematically developing and transforming communities through technology, creativity, and social enterprise.
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Entrepreneurship and innovation Centre Limited - isnhubs

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre

They are supporting the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem with research, teaching, and knowledge-sharing activities.
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Founders Hub - isnhubs

Founders Hub

They are an innovation hub, co-working space, and tech incubator. A platform for ideas and people wired by technology.
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Genesys Tech Hub

Genesys Tech Hub

They are focused on creating opportunities for young Nigerian techies and entrepreneurs to grow and innovate.
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GoDo Hub - isnhubs

GoDo Hub

They are a creative, innovative, and tech-centric hub that is focused on contributing to the growth and development of an equal, inclusive and sustainable Africa.
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Harmony Innovation Hub - isnhubs

Harmony Innovation Hub

They are focused on empowering the Nigerian entrepreneur with the tools and resources to thrive while providing an enabling environment for fostering innovation.
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GCL Hubs - isnhubs


They are a member-based Co-working hub with a variety of work environments to suit just about any working method.
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Hub360 -isnhubs

Hub 360

They are at the frontline of supporting indigenous start-ups through seed funding, business support, and provision of premium workspaces.
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Iba Ajie - isnhubs

Iba Ajie

They are a non-profit Innovation Hub that is focused on the intersection between art, technology and entrepreneurship.
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Heartland Incubation Hub - isnhubs

Heartland Incubation Hub

They are focused on solving the problem of an inadequate support structure, mentorship system, and developing business ideas by young people in southeast Nigeria.
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ICE Hub - isnhubs


They are focused on empowering youths and women with the relevant skills to gain access to their desired job markets and connect them with employers
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Ideation hub Africa - isnhubs

Ideation Hub Africa

They are focused on providing early-stage social entrepreneurs and non-profit professionals with experiential education, enterprise incubation, growth advisory and collaborative platforms to start, scale and sustain their big ideas for changing Africa.
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Impact Hub Lagos - isnhubs

Impact Hub Lagos

They are focused on inspiring, connecting and enabling entrepreneurs so that they can learn, create and scale while being supported by a powerful ecosystem and a vibrant community.
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IG Hub - isnhubs

Innovation Growth Hub

They work with startups at various stages of maturity by providing Mentorship, Space, Training, Business Support services, Warm Community and Network for entrepreneurs.
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Indigo Researcher Hub - isnhubs

Indigo Researcher Hub

They provide an eco-friendly hub right in the centre of Lagos, Costain developed specifically for researchers while also building a community that produces quality research in Nigeria.
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Itanna - isnhubs

Itanna Co-working Hub

They are igniting enterprise through innovation and helping to build the next generation of inspired Nigerian and African businesses.
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Innovate Ondo - isnhubs

Innovate Ondo

They are focused on promoting entrepreneurship, enterprise development and economic growth through innovation.
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Kad ICT Hub - isnhubs


They are focused on training over 10,000 youths annually in web development, mobile app development, hardware assembly, call center handling, entrepreneurship and related fields.
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Kada hive - isnhubs

Kadahive Hub

They have created a place for technologists, social entrepreneurs, government, tech companies, impact investors, and hackers in and around Kaduna to co-create new solutions to the many social problems in Nigeria.
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Kirkira Innovation Hub

They are focused on accelerating the application of technology and entrepreneurship for societal advancement and economic prosperity.
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Kurious Academy - isnhubs

Kurious Academy

They are focused on providing quality academic notes and lectures as per the pattern of Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E).
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Learn Factory - isnhubs

Learn Factory

They are focused grooming craftsmen and software engineers; as well as enhancing education using technology.
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Lead Resources Innovation Hub - isnhubs

Lead Resources Innovation Hub

They are focused on governance enterprise and technology hinged on generating opportunities, stimulating innovation and creating solutions to address challenges in our polity.
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Kedge Anchor

They are focused on the development of initiatives and policies that infuse sustainability practices purposed to impact positively on the environment.
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mal hub - isnhubs

Mal Hub

They are focused on giving small businesses and ambitious entrepreneurs the platform to work and pursue their goals in a revolutionary smart way.
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Naija Startups - isnhubs

Naija Startups

They are focused on stimulating socio-economic growth by raising successful entrepreneurs/businesses thereby increasing job creation and reducing unemployment in Africa
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nHub - isnhubs

nHub Nigeria

They are focused on empowering entrepreneurs to build great ideas out of little or nothing.
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Nicademia Hub - isnhubs

Nicadamia Hub

They are a work-space for Creatives and Techies, designed for Nigerian Entrepreneurs with the aim of providing the necessary infrastructure needed to leapfrog local Nigerian talents to global standard.
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OAL Startup Growth Capsule

They see the need for innovative legal solutions to meet the needs of today’s startup which will evolve into tomorrow’s unicorns.
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Olotu Square - isnhubs

Olotu Square

They are a community of startups & technology developers with a common interest to build success stories for the next generation.
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Nzuko Labs - isnhubs

Nzuko Labs

They are focused on transforming how the youths learn in South East, Nigeria by infusing the principles of STEM into the school curriculum
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NorthEast iHub - isnhubs

NorthEast iHub

They are focused on impacting social change by utilizing innovation as a strategic tool to address the Humanitarian and socio-economic challenges of Northeast Nigeria post conflict.
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Owerri Tech Hub - isnhubs

Owerri Tech Hub

They are focused on incubating startups with the right tools for business growth.
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Passion Incubator - isnhubs

Passion Incubator

They are an early stage tech startup accelerator that provides innovative entrepreneurs with the most critical resources needed to launch lean startups, grow quickly, and institutionalize their success.
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Plus innovation hub - isnhubs

Plus Innovation Hub

They solve problems through entrepreneurs with innovation while envisioning a way to add value to people, their ideas, business or projects, and the community at large.
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Premier Hub - isnhubs

Premier Hub

They exist to fast-track innovation and enterprise in Nigeria by creating an enabling environment and empowering youths who are leveraging technology to build ideas into sustainable solutions.
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Rad5 Tech hub - isnhubs

RAD5 Tech Hub

They are a venture studio where entrepreneurs and innovators are empowered to accelerate innovation and collaborate within the firm.
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Roar Nigeria Hub - isnhubs

Roar Nigeria Hub

They are a community that provides professional support to technology enabled startups, researchers, entrepreneurs and SME’s.
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